i decided to make a new flash, but this time it's going to be a little diffrent.
the flash itself is actualy a sortof clip/concet from a dutch metal band Delain.
on the music are people celebrating and dancing (or atleast, moving on metal music:S)
like i said i'll put my unfinished animation on youtube, but only as soon as someone can help me out with 2 problems i have in making the flash youtube-ready.
problem 1:
i have a little flash interoduction and the animation itself in 2 different files, i have to get these 2 files to 1, but don't know how that goes.
problem 2:
there are 3 diffrent kinds of music in the animation, but everytime when i put in the timeling that the music stops at a certan frame, it just keeps going on until the complete song is finished.
wich makes the animation anoying to hear and just stupid by such a glitch.
so if anyone knows how to solve these problems (or ofcourse 1 of them) just say it, you can send me a PM or leave something at the post.