I messed around with flash for a little while, so I decided to make a flash movie. Then, I realized that using flash itself isn't the hard part. The hard part is DRAWING and drawing ONLY! ... Well, maybe for me. Everything else, from keyframes to motion tweens, is simple once you understand its purpose, which is also easy to figure out...
So much drawing for me to do. Part of me wished that I just used sprites and made a random sprite battle.
lol, sorry i didnt see this, but as you know im grounded lol, my parents aren't home right now and when that happens i sneak onto my computer to see whats up, so yeah, hi and yeah sorry that flash is so complicated, but dont give up, it will take awhile but you'll get the hang of flash at some point. theres plenty of help out there so keep going. so, yeah, i'd better go, and the best of luck to you, cya when im not grounded, lol. :)
hehe thanks:)
i think i found just the tutorial now and will try it soon (as my time is better)
once again good luck with the being grounded and i won't give up now!!
i tried to hard and i will manage :D
and why are you sorry that flash is complicated?? it's not your fault, it's the fault of the people who where unable to make a summary of a manual!:D
so seeya when you'r not grounded anymore