Dutch student media design and would-be artist. I don't have much experience in making games as much as designing them, but let's change that, shall we? Been away from NG for a long time, came back for the jam. Should really change my username.

Age 29, Female

draw, write, design


Joined on 11/26/08

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whell this is about it:)

Posted by werewolf6666 - February 6th, 2009

whell everything has gone right and now i have some help from my older brother who can help me in the hollydays (in 2 weeks yeey:D) and then we'll make an animation together.
so in two weeks i'll start animating (for real now) and to get myself ready for it by thinking wich ideas i should animate and wich ones will be on NG.
i have some idea's with a manga i was making up but i have a lack of drawingtalent and manga draw couses to make a real good manga (i don't want to spiol my idea:))
the big problem is that in manga are used soo manny diffrent things you have to get into your manga, like these Japanese kanji's, if you realy want to make a good manga you have to put these kanji's on the right places to give the manga that touch and i don't know any of these kanji's so i'll just animate my idea's.
like this they'll be something and i have less chance to make a work that is too bad for the idea.
but for now i just wanted to do something completely else as first animation because i then get the chance to get used to the program befour i go to my idea.
so that's it for now and you'll hear form me when something is new:)



Ive been drawing manga for 9 years now so if you want a tip ask me if you like but its my way of doing it you mite be diffrent then me since people have diffrent styles.

yeah i know that:) i can remember me finding it hard to find a good cours on google, but all i got was some stuff that wasn't realy complete and every cours told me to do something else!!
then a friend told me that there where 7 diffrent styles of manga and each had they'r own things to draw the same thing (sounds realy logical)
and i stil find it hard to focus on 1 style because no cours i know talked about this.
and as you say there are also a lot of differst styles to draw in, wich makes it all quite complicated.
anyway thanks for your comment and i'll defenetly ask for some tips later on

well good luck to you, my first animations were never any good, but thats why they are your firsts, my very first animation was a spoon that turned into a strawberry lol. it was like 3 seconds long. basically to start any animation with out a real idea of what you want it to be about is to just start drawing and doodling on the screen untill you find something you like, a lot of animations start of as just some scribble and eventually evolve into a story. and yeah as Wolf1993 had said, every one has their own style, so let your work evolve and grow and dont be to pressured to do something some one elses way, because then your animation just becomes an animation instead of it being your animation. and once again good luck, and there will always be artists on NG that are ready to help. cya around and hope to see your work here one newgrounds in the future. :]

ah i guess im a sort of perfectionist in these sort of things:)
you know that your never realy pleased with the result because you think it could be better.
i have that a lot with drawing and i'm not unhappy with it (there are lots of drawings that i do love:D) it motivates me too draw more too make it even better you know?
mostly i just start thinking of what idea's i would like and then something comes out and that is just a little scetch of my actualy idea.
as you say the idea comes up when your making the animation, but i always start with a scetch of my story.
so thanks for your advice and respond and on to the next post with i hope some more interesting to tell:D

I'm a friend of Dustin,and as far as I know,anyone that knows Dustin,can draw good...So I guess I'll check out your first animation when you make one...anyways...so you have hollidays soon eh? It's Carnaval if I'm not mistaken right?

Ja,Ik woon in Nederland ook...Maar ik kan niet praat Nederlands zo goed...
Dat is waarom ik ga naar een school waar ik kan leert Nederlands...Mÿn school is De Cajuit,Ik weet niet als Jÿ weet waar mÿn school is...Ik hoop Jÿ kan begrÿp mÿn Nederlands...Zo...Tot Ziens...

yes i'ts carnival soon (i'll just talk in English:D that should be more easy for you)
and then we have 1 week holydays in what i'll try to understand the program.
thanks for the compliment and i think your dutch is realy good for someone that has to learn it, even here in Holland we have lots of trouble with our own language:)
i don't realy konw where De Cajuit is.
thanks for your comment and i realy apriciate it that you wrote me a message in dutch:D

Yeah...I woon in noord-brabant...De Cajuit is de basis school van de Jan Van Brabant College...
yeah...I already know there are some difficult terms in dutch...but I've learned some Japanese,as well as many other languages...so it can't be so hard,right?
Yeah...I can't wait for carnaval...it's a week after exams...Toets Week...Ik weet alles van klas B,voor het is makkelÿk,maar ik weet niet elke naam van de landen in Europa...dat is een beetje moeilÿk....En ja,Je praat heel goed engels...Tot Ziens van Helmond.

wow you've learned japanese?!? cool!!, i'd love to learn japanese once, but first i need to get trough the basic languages like frence,german and english:)
i think frence is the most diffecult from the strange languages, it has too manny rules and exeptions.
we already had a ''toets week'' and i just need to get trough this week and then atlast HOLYDAYS!!!!! yeey, i'm so looking forwards to it already from the first hour we had after the holydays we had before.
thanks for the compliment, bye

werewolf6666 you dont need to look through all these styles just pick one you think is perfect for you thats what i did.

hey, thanks that's some usefull advice :D i think i'm gonna look on google for some material of every style and then pick the best one outofit, or i'll just keep it wiht the styles that i have now and create a sort of new own style.