whel that with the program is solved i guess
thanks to jestercap13 :)
now i just have to animate, and that is more complicated as it may seem.
the thing is the program i have now ( flash 8 pro ) is realy complicated and has lots of buttons.
now i thought why don't i read the instructions, something i normaly never do.
the point is that the instructions are soooooo long that i have to read sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet sheet by sheet by sheet, and that IS alot of work.
for starting there are something like 7 tabs in the help, in those tabs are like 15 MORE tabs and in these tabs are like 5 parts who also have .....you wouldhave guesed it....TABS!!!!!
this wouldn't be such a big problem if i was born in America or England, thing is i'm DUTCH.
my English is good enough for texst and all sort of stuff, but i realy don't get the technical stuff:( *sight* so i'l just ask some helf from my relatives and translate the stuf into something i can understand!
so i'l probably won't start animating for the next couple of weeks *double sight* befour i figgured out the manual :s
so no animating for some months, that means i will draw something in that time, something like this, but then something better because this one is already quite old.
Animating is hard and if you dont have a grafic tablet well your gona find it a lot harder to draw.
??? i don't realy get what you mean, but i'm sure i'll find out soon:s
you mean something so you don't have to draw with your mouse??
and if that is what it is then i will concider buying one because i hate drawing with the moudse, i always mess up the drawing because my hand shook a little.
thanks for your comment:)