Hello everybody,
just a post to say that i'm still alive and that the animations arn't going verry fast.
i'm trign to make a cats flash, but i'm just too distracted by all kinds of other stuf.
i guess i'll start verry soon with it and than there will finaly be a flash made by me.
to introduce the series i made a trailer, but it didn't came through, so put it on youtube, for anyone who wants to see it (watch out it's realy crappy) you can find my youtube account on my userpage.
so i'll be back with a nice flashy flash in a while.
The cat thing was alright i gess but whats the plot and the story or is is it just random
i don' even know what i was thinking thenXD
the plot is a bit random, but will be explaned in an eventual part one, that was only a trailer.
it's mainly about a tvshow where cats try to winn some misterious prize.
there is a person, a human, who's presentating the show, she's just bothering the contestants with her cruelty.
so in a nutshel, cats......who die to obtain something they don't even know....yeah, quite randomXD